Friday, October 23, 2009

That Darn Tricycle...All I Wanted To Do Was Ride

You know when you get a call like the one Ryan got at 8:00 am this morning from St. Pauls you just want to crawl back in bed and wake up the next day. Grandma Bonnie just dropped Dalton off for school at 7:30 so what could possibly happen in 30 minutes...A LOT!!!

Dalton went to the playground, decided he wanted to ride a tricycle and the rest is history. That darn tricycle was next to some concrete steps and instead of going forward, Dalton went backwards, taking a tumble down the stairs tricycle and all. The end result, bump to the head and a sore wrist. Ryan got the call to come check him out, but he was not in town so Grandma Bonnie went to check on him. All seemed well and he wanted to stay at school.

Then at 2:00 St. Pauls is once again calling. This time Dalton woke up from his nap throwing up. Ryan picked him up and out of pre-cautionary measures decided to take him to the doctor. Considering his symptoms and given the fall this morning the doctor decided to x-ray the wrist first. Who would have thought the result...a broken wrist!!

Okay, so he fell hard enough to break a wrist maybe that bump is more than a bump. Off to the hospital for a CT scan of the head. Finally some good concussion!! YEA!! So what is causing the nausea and vomiting...a virus..on top of a broken wrist. Poor thing. I can only imagine what the weekend will bring. I promise to post pictures when I get a chance.

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