Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby Room Blues

With only 43 days to go some might say "What are you waiting on?" Well, between building a house, moving, unpacking, a new job position, new school year for Dalton and so on, BABY #2 has been ignored until NOW. Believe it or not we have not even discussed names. This poor baby might just be born without a name at the rate we are going. I know, I know get moving.

Tonight we are one step further, Ryan put together the new Graco Pack-N-Play (thanks Uncle Randy) for our bedroom. With the babies room clear on the other side of the house I decided that night time feedings would be much easier if the baby was closer to me, thus the new Pack-N-Play in our bedroom.

This past Saturday Ryan re-assemblied the baby furniture turning Dalton' s toddler bed back into a crib for the new little one. We also got the other furniture in it's place. The room looks so bare, but that will have to wait. This time around Ryan and I decided not to find out what we are having so decorating a room becomes a little more difficult. Once baby #2 arrives safe and sound and we get settled in at home the nursery will then be created. So for now I will just have to deal with the baby room blues.

Now, for the fun part...unpacking tubs of baby supplies. If I would just have taken the time to label and organize before I just threw things in tubs I might not be so overwhelmed. Where do I start?

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