Monday, October 19, 2009

Coloring...Cutting...Help Me I Said!!!

Dalton's new interest over the past few weeks is coloring and cutting (with scissors). Today, from the moment he came home from school he has sat at the kitchen table coloring pictures. Let me add that the internet has become our new best friend. There are several sights for free coloring and counting pages. Dalton picks his page, hits print and then he is off to coloring. The only comment we here about 50 times a night is "I'm trying to color mommy, but it hurts my tummy. Help me." Patience...Patience...Patience I continue to tell myself. He actually does a pretty good job on his own why do I have to sit right beside him when there are a million other things I can be doing? Anyways, the glory of a nearly 4 year old I guess.

1 comment:

Jenny Anderson said...

Cute! Looks like he is having blast! I can't wait until Jay can color...I loved coloring as a kid!