Monday, July 25, 2011

Roller Blades

The last couple of weeks Dalton has asked if he could get roller blades instead of the traditional roller skates when they go to their weekly skate session with school. This must be the 'cool thing' because I have been told if he had roller blades he could go super fast like everyone else.

We helped Colby celebrate his 5th birthday yesterday at Silver Wings so I gave in and he had to prove to me he could skate on the blades. It took about 30 minutes, with many falls, for him to get comfortable on them. I think the biggest obstacle was trying to get back up once he fell. By the time we left he was making laps and you would have never thought it was the first time he was on roller blades. I don't think I could have done that. I was pretty impressed to say the least. Guess next time I will have to pay a little extra and let him get roller blades.

He was so heart melted with that smile!

After one of his first wipe outs...still smiles...he was so determined he did not want to trade the blades in for skates.

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