Tuesday, October 9, 2012

One Down, Five To Go

It's hard to believe we are already 8 weeks into school. Where oh where has the time gone? We got report cards last week for the 1st six weeks period. All in all we are extremely satisfied with Dalton's grades. They ranged from 100 to 91 with satisfactory behavior in art, music and PE. Overall he has made the adjustment from St. Paul's to public school extremely well. He has made lots of new friends and is beginning to get settled into a routine. He has taken 8 AR (accelerated reader) tests and passed all with 100's. Thankfully he enjoys reading and it's not a struggle to get him to open a book, so far. We look forward to what lies ahead.

Mallory has also adjusted extremely well to her Frisky Frog class (2 year olds). She is the teacher's helper and class communicator. We are working on potty training which seems to be going better at school than at home :(. It's really hard to believe that I'm working on her 3rd Birthday party which is only a month away.  

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