Friday, March 9, 2012


So we woke up to perfect weather Saturday morning. We got going extra early to allow for the hour drive from San Francisco to Napa. It was an absolutely beautiful morning, a tad brisk, but warmed up nicely. Ballooning was a first for both of us and was an experience of a lifetime that we will not forget. 

After we landed we celebrated the flight with mimosa's and a delicious breakfast. If you are ever in the Napa region I would highly recommend taking a balloon ride with Napa Valley Balloons.

On our way back into the city we took another scenic route.

Once back we headed straight to the airport to return the car, boarded the subway system (BART) and then walked to the Alcatraz Landing at Pier 33 for our trip to Alcatraz Island. This was something I wanted to do while in the bay area. I'm not a total history buff and now that I've been there I don't see a reason to return, but I am glad I visited. 

I don't remember what every picture was but this is where they showered together.

A picture of the cells.

The control room.

And a picture of our evening transportation.

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