Monday, December 5, 2011

2 Year Update

Mallory turned 2 on November 18 and had her 2-year check-up on the 22nd. Overall she is doing great and right on track with her age. She weighs 23.12 lbs (24th percentile) and was 35" tall (80th percentile). Looking at these stats there is no question who she is taking after. I might not be able to deny her as far as looks go, but this child will undoubtly have her daddy's figure. An interesting side note at her 18-month check-up she was 23.5 lbs and 33 1/2 inches. At Dalton's 2-year check-up he was 24 lbs and 33 1/2 inches tall.

Some interesting notes:
1. Refuses to drink milk, but loves her yogurt and cheese. Dalton also refuses to drink milk. I wonder if this has anything to do with us not drinking milk....hum! Maybe so!!
2. Has started to develop a vocabulary and is now using her vocal cords. We wondered if this would ever happen.
3. Has a love hate relationship with her brother. One minute she is the most loving considerate sister and the next minute that love turns to hate for no reason. We have had a share of biting incidents, knock down drag outs with Mallory usually the one on top and then the normal hit, push or pull.
4. Enjoys playing with brothers toys/games/colors etc. It's truely a monkey see monkey do mentallity. This little girl has grown up to fast and I contribute that to her older brother. She wants to be doing everything he does and there is no stopping her.
5. Fruit by far is her favorite food.
6. Pink is her favorite color.
7. Already has an attitude about what she wants to wear. Loves shoes, but never keeps them on.
8. Mine is a common word around the house. Everything seems to be hers.
9. Is extremely caring. If she gets a drink, Bubba (Dalton) has to get a drink. If she gets a snack she needs a snack for Dalton. If Dalton is coloring Mallory must color.
10. Loves feeding cows with Popo and Daddy. This is a must when she visits Nana and Popo and is a special treat when Daddy feeds them at home.

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