Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was magical for both kids. As they rounded the corner of the hall into the living room their eyes were beaming. SANTA had come!! For Dalton it was an air craft carrier so he could land his airplanes on a big boat, a basketball goal and basketball. Although it took most of the morning before he realized the note Santa left saying "Too big... outside" was the basketball goal. When the weather cooperates I can see many afternoons will be spent outside with daddy shooting hoops.

For Mallory she finally got her very own oversized chair. No need to use big brothers anymore. She also got her own pillow and pink rocking horse. Since Mallory would not tell Santa what she wanted Dalton told us that Santa would know what she wanted. For those who don't know Mallory loves to ride on Dalton's big boy rocking horse but needs assistance getting on and off. Santa obviously knew Mallory needed her own horse just her size. They both enjoyed tearing into their gifts from mom and dad. Who knew paper could be so much fun! These are memories that will last a lifetime...the joys of having children.

Dalton gave Mallory a doll.
Mallory gave Dalton binoculars (some how I don't have a picture of that).

The picture above and below are the kids checking out their new ornaments for their own trees. Dalton got a big buck and Mallory got a bling bling letter M.

Dalton finally figured out what was waiting for him outside.

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