Friday, May 28, 2010

San Antonio Zoo

Lions, tigers, bears, elephants, giraffes...oh my we must not forget about a trip to the San Antonio Zoo. We spent a good 5 hours leisurely roaming the grounds. We stopped to watch the animals play, enjoyed feeding times, grabbed a bite to eat, cooled off with a little water time and hung out with numerous kids on school field trips. Thanks again Nana, Popo and Uncle Randy. The zoo is always so much fun!

A quick photo opp before heading into the zoo.

Pink Flamingos

Watching a grizzly bear take a nap on the platform in the far back.

This one just took a dip in the cool water. Look at those nails.

The butterfly exhibit was amazing. Dalton was not too fond of them trying to land on him, but looking at all the colors was fun.

Family photo opp...check out Mallory...she did not know what to think about the zoo. It amazes me that this little girl always has a smile on her face. She is just so darn happy we could not ask for a better little girl.

Check out the baby. It held on tight while the mom swung from branch to branch.

Taking a snooze.

Dalton enjoyed feeding the fish.

Out for a swim.

Mr. Hippo was pretty cool to watch under the water.

Dalton did not quite know what to think about these guys.

This poor elephant was stuck in his pen.

Check out the kangaroos. Some had babies in their pouches. Way cool.

One rest stop included a little brotherly/sisterly love.

More feeding opportunities. Can't we do this at home? Guess it's just not the same.

Taking an up close look at the black bird on the right.

Checking out the goat.

Mallory was all smiles the entire day. The heat did not bother her one bit. The rest of us thought differently.

Dalton checking out the Bald Eagle in the very back.

Better picture.

Where to next?

Popo you are not gonna catch me.

Look at the size of that turtle!

Dalton started out by only getting his feet wet, but by the time we left he was wet from head to toe which resulted in a clothes change.

Mallory on the other hand was not so sure of the water.

From water to the sand Dalton was in heaven.

We could not leave without a bowl of ice cream.

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