Monday, May 3, 2010

Daddy's Little Helper

Dalton loves spending time with daddy, especially outside, but also in the kitchen. For those of you who know me know that my time in the kitchen is minimal. I hate to cook, but fortunately Ryan enjoys it and I have to say that Dalton loves to help cook if given the chance.

The other night I had a meeting and got home late so Ryan had both kids and the task of cooking supper. It was one of those nights; Mallory could not be put down and Dalton wanted to eat so what do you do when you only have two teach your 4 year old how to make instant mashed potatoes and heat up a can of green beans. Fortunately Ryan was able to get the baked chicken in the oven and going before things got chaotic. Before I go on, yes Dalton was supervised and of course is not allowed to operate the stove, but he helped measure, pour and stir while Ryan's hands were tied up with Mallory. Thanks to my amazing husband my son may actually learn to cook and enjoy it. Sorry no pictures, but I did manage to snap a few the other night when we made homemade pizza. Once again we let Dalton right in the middle. It seems that if he is involved in making his supper he is more likely to eat it.

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