Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kindergarten Registration

Can't believe our little guy is old enough to start kindergarten. It seems like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital, but in any case it's that time of year. We were not ready to decide what school district (Burton or Brenham) we wanted to send our kids to yet, so our only option was to stay at St. Paul's at least another year.

For those of you not familiar with the insane process it's just CRAZY! The school is limited on space, class sizes are small and it's a very highly regarded christian day school so registration is on a first come first serve basis. Once you sign in for a number and secure your spot a family member must remain on the school grounds until official registration. That means no leaving even for 5 minutes.

We made the decision to send Dalton to full-day class if we had to pay for him to be there or not. I checked numbers Monday before I left the school after the Valentine's party. Four of the 15 spots were already taken. That meant there were only 11 spots left. I decided that playing the odds for too long was not in our favor. I headed home to grab a few things because it appeared that I was going to be spending the night at school in my vehicle much to my surprise. I honestly thought most of the kids would venture off to public school. When I returned to school around 4:00 pm only 7 spots remained because other insane, but devoted parents thought the same thing. Crazy thing is by 10:00 pm the full-day kindergarten class was full and registration did not begin until 7:00 am the next morning.

I am thankful for my wonderful husband who took care of the kids and picked up supper so we could enjoy Valentine's night together at school even if it was only a half hour or so. I still got to see my kids before they went to bed.

We are officially registered for the 2011-2012 school year as a Kindergartener. WOW!!!   

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