Monday, June 28, 2010

Mallory 7 Month Update

At 7 months Mallory is a very active little girl. Around 6 1/2 months she was up on all four's rocking, but learned that she can move faster 'army style'. The swing nor bouncer can satisfy her any longer. The exersaucer/walker may content her for a few minutes, but that to restricts her and makes her unhappy. We continue to learn that she is a people person. She wants/needs attention 24/7. Unlike Dalton, Mallory can not easily entertain herself. She absolutely does not like to be confined. Her attention span is very short. Show her something and 10 minutes later she is ready for something new.

She is eating stage 2 foods like a champ. Blowing Bubbles like a princess. Can reach for anything and take it straight to her mouth. Objects move from hand to hand and then back to the mouth. Bouncing is a favorite. Sitting up unassisted gives a new view to the world. She has learned that her feet can go to her mouth. Still no teeth. With all this said Mallory is an extremely happy baby. Rarely does she not have a smile on her face. She is extremely friendly and playful. Lots of cooing and babling.

Last weekend we attempted to take 7 month pictures in the grass, but she was uncertain about sitting in something so pokey. The 1st photo opp was with Granny's Mustang. We took Dalton's 6 month pictures with the Mustang, but since Mallory could not sit up by herself quite yet at 6 months we decided to wait a month. Look for a future post taking a look back and comparing Dalton and Mallory at 6 and 7 months.

Just not so sure what this stuff is.

1st driving lesson

I'm ready to go...

If the grass wasn't bad enough the rocks certainly were not happening. I snapped this just before she started to cry.

It did not matter where we put her it was clear she was not liking it.

Here is a couple of video's from this weekend. Dalton is really enjoying being able to interact and play with Mallory now.

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