Thursday, November 5, 2009

Baby Update

I have had several people ask "Well, how much longer?" so I decided it was time to give an update on the baby. First of all, everything is good. My actual due date is December 3, only 28 days to go or sooner.

The baby continues to grow, maybe a little faster than we would like, but none-the-less I'm still feeling good and am ALL baby. I have only gained approximately 14 lbs, but I'm measuring a week and a half ahead of schedule. I have two more appointments scheduled one each week for the next two weeks. Then if no baby by November 23/24 and I continue to measure ahead of schedule the Dr. has decided he will induce and there will be a baby by Thanksgiving. At my last appointment he confirmed that he will not allow me to go past 39 weeks (Thanksgiving Day). I told him I was NOT going to be in the hospital if I absolutely did not have to be on Thanksgiving so we will pray this baby decides to come on its own before then.

Otherwise I still have lots to do to get ready including packing the bags, getting baby clothes washed, picking baby names and cleaning the house. I really don't want to come home to a dirty house. Continue to check the blog periodically for any baby updates. Once the baby makes it's safe arrival this will be where I post 1st pictures. NO we still DO NOT know the gender. Just a little longer.

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