Monday, November 3, 2014

Aggie Family Fun Night

Just a couple pictures from the annual Aggie Family Fun Night at Fireman's Park each August right before school starts. On a side note, we usually go, but this year we thought about skipping out on it. We did not even tell the kids it was coming up, BUT it appears Mallory is already making plans while at school. When she got picked up that day she proceeded to tell Ryan that we were going that night and that her, Max and Miles would be there. After talking to the other moms that night it appears our trio made plans at school together and so it starts already. My mind wants to cringe at the thought of her in her teenage years. We did however enjoy our evening at the park with the Felders, Rankin's, Siemsglusz's and fellow Aggies. Mallory and Max were pretty much inseparable.

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