Friday, February 22, 2013

Heart Day

So maybe Valentine's is a little overrated, those cardboard box Valentines are a little lame, but the sparkle in those eyes is the love in my heart!

We don't necessarily celebrate Valentine's in the traditional sense. No flowers, candy or dinner out for us. **We share our love for each other daily...why just one day a year?** Instead the kids enjoy sharing their goods with their fellow classmates. The cute creative little Valentine's are no longer an option as both now are old enough to voice their opinion. Mallory - Minnie Mouse and Dalton - well anything with sports. So I have learned to settle for the quick run to good ole Wal-Mart. After fixing and eating tacos on V-day we surprised the kids with some yummy ice cream treats instead of the traditional sugar rush of candy. Good thing because they certainly came home with plenty to share. Don't forget to share your love continuously with the ones you cherish most!!

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