Wednesday, May 25, 2011

18 Months

It's hard to believe just how fast our little girl is growing up. Keeping up with her big brother is an under statement. Out doing him is more like it. Into everything is just our normal way of life. I would love to say life is getting easier as the days go by, but honestly I don't think they will ever be easy. We just move from one extreme to the next and unfortunately with our little princess we have developed an untolerable attitude that makes us tremble with the thought of the "terrible twos" fast approaching.

Did I also mention fearless is her new middle name. This little girl is not afraid of anything which can be scary at times. From squeezing june bugs between her fingers, to picking up live bugs with her brother no matter what they are, to touching the electric fence, yes you read that right, this little girl is one fearless princess. On her 18 month birthday Mallory decided that mommy and daddy do not know what they are talking about when we have said on numerous occasions "DO NOT TOUCH, HOT!" Before you get upset she's okay, no harm and not much reaction. This is just one of the many things that happen when we turn our back on her. With Dalton we never had to worry so much and let him do his own thing, but not quite with the second. We have learned that someone has to watch her almost every second of the day. I sure hope she out grows this fast.

She finally cut her 5th tooth right around 18 months. Just one more of the unusual things about our little girl, she has very few teeth for her age. She cut her first bottom two around 10 months within days of each other and followed shortly behind with her front two. So for months she has only had her front 4 teeth. We noticed a week ago that she was unusually fussy, but did not know why... she was cutting her top eye tooth.

Here are a few stats from her check-up:

Weight: 23.5 lbs   (1.5 lbs more than Dalton at the same age)
Height: 33 in   (1 in taller than Dalton at the same age)

According to Dr. Draehn and her current growth pattern he expects her to be around 5'10 to 5'11 full grown. Big brother better watch out.

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