Friday, November 16, 2012

3 Year Pics

It's so hard to believe in just two short days that Mallory will be THREE! Our baby girl is growing up so fast. She definitely has a mind of her own. Picking out clothes is becoming a challenge. Sorry if you happen to catch her out-n-about in something that does not quite look appropriate. It means it was one of those days where you simply pick your battle for the day and clothes was not that important. Hair has also been a challenge the last couple months. She does not like it brushed or fixed. No clips, bows or pony tails unless I can catch her in a good mood for the time being. She loves playing with her babies, reading books, puzzles, coloring and must pack a bag of goodies no matter where we are going. She also has a fascination with blankets. She has a couple favorites that must go everywhere she does. She definitely thinks she is much older than she really is. She loves to have her nails painted and I'm reminded almost daily that some polish has come off. She is almost potty trained which has been a challenge in and of itself with this strong willed little girl. We are so thankful to have her in our lives.

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