Friday, August 13, 2010

Sand + Water + Waves = BEACH

Day 1 - Mallory checking out the water and sand between her toes.

Day 1 - Mallory was all smiles.

Day 1 - Dalton could not get enough of the waves.

Day 1 - We can't take credit for this, but I thought it was a great photo opp. Someone from our condo was pretty talented. Too bad it was gone the next day.

Day 2 - Jelly fish ruined our time in the water, but we let Mallory float for a little while until she actually wanted in the water then we headed back to the pool.

These little creatures were everywhere - baby jellyfish. So small you could not see them splashing in the waves. Thankfully we all managed to escape without a sting, but the others around us were not so lucky. By Day 3 they were just sporadic and we could enjoy the water as long as we stayed on the look out.

Day 3 - Dalton enjoyed riding the waves.

Day 3 - Mallory took a much needed nap before she got to play.

Day 3 - Dalton enjoyed the sand. He could actually make sandcastles this year without them sticking in the bucket or falling apart like years past. He was so excited.

Day 3 - The entire gang relaxing before we headed home the next day.

Day 3 - Mallory relaxing in the water after her nap. This was her first opportunity to actually get in the water and be free. She absolutely loved it and wanted more.

Day 3 - Mallory enjoyed playing in the sand. The heat never seemed to bother her either.

Day 3 - Along with playing came tasting. I think she ate enough sand and seaweed for all of us.

Day 3 - She loved the water so much we caught her on more than one occasion taking off for a little wave action. The child was fearless and nothing scared her.

Day 3 - Uncle Jimmy and Mallory