Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Festivities

We had a pretty relaxed, low key holiday weekend. We ventured out to the Round Top 4th of July parade and then enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade ice cream with Nana and Popo. On our way home we picked up fireworks and decided to enjoy the evening at home rather than load the car up and head out again. Dalton enjoyed playing with pops, sparklers and watching daddy shoot fireworks. Mallory was worn out from all the excitement earlier in the day that by the time it was dark enough for fireworks she was sound asleep in her bed. The best part of all was the spectacular view from our drive way, gorgeous fireworks, one after another on the horizon. The view reassured us that we made the best decision by electing to stay home. Mallory got to sleep in her own bed and Dalton got to enjoy his fireworks.

Thanks to all of our American Heros and the men and women still serving to protect our Country. God Bless America for the place we call home and the country we choose to raise our children in.

Mallory and Uncle Randy

Mallory and Dalton getting ready to watch the parade.

A quick run in between parade entries to grab all the loot.

A popsicle helped keep Mallory cool.

The fire truck sirens were just a little too much for poor Mallory.

Mr. you think he got enough beads?

Granny and Dalton

Mallory and Uncle Jeff

Granny with both her munchkins.

Pool time at Nana and Popos. We have two kids that absolutely love to be in the water.

First taste of homemade ice cream...more like homemade soup. It melted as fast as it came out of the freezer.

This was the loot Dalton managed to pick up from the parade. It disappeared just as fast. Amazingly he has not asked for any since.

Mallory all smiles...She learned to crawl on all fours middle of last week and by the weekend she started pulling up in her crib. We will be lowering it this weekend. Our princess is growing up right before our eyes.

Sparklers...entertainment for all ages.

One of our 'safe' low key fireworks. Ryan did shoot some in the air, but pictures don't do justice.

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