Thursday, June 26, 2014

Father's Day Weekend Trip

For Father's Day the kids and I decided to do something Ryan loves, but never has the time to do, fishing! We rented a condo (Pirate's Cove #8) on the intercoastal in Port O'Conner for the weekend. It was so relaxing. The weather was amazing...we had no mesquitos and barely broke a sweat the entire time! This was Mallory's 1st fishing trip to the coast and her 1st time on the boat in saltwater. We were not sure how either kid would do or even how much fishing we would actually get done. Surprisingly we were on the water the entire day Saturday. Dalton was in heaven. We might actually have found something he is interested in doing. We officially signed him up for CCA in April thinking we might take him along in August for the fishing tournament, but now it's a definite and he's counting down the weeks. We will actually take him out of Camp Lutherhill early just so he can go fishing! Overall it was a great weekend and something we hope we can do again this fall after the Washington County Fair.


Swim Lessons

Just a few pictures from Mallory's recent swim lessons with Mrs. Lori. She is doing fantastic and has no fear of water. This is still very scary because she thinks she can swim, but in reality we just are not there yet. She learned to use her big arms this year but we will have to continue to work on building strength, but as much water time as she will have this summer I'm sure she will be a pro by the end of it.

1st Dance/Gymnastics Recital

Mallory took ballet, tap and gymnastics for the first time this past school year. All of her hard work was shown off during her 1st recital on May 31 "Disney Dreams". She had so much fun, but was so worn out by the end of the day. It appears that gymnastics was her ultimate favorite so we will see when registration time comes this fall if she will do all three again or pick just one. She came so far in all three but she was most proud of herself when she learned her back bend kickover.

Mallory and Bailey Rogers, her bud in both dance and gymnastics